Hello friends. Welcome again. Im continuing with our previous convo and maybe taking a bit of a detour... only to return to our original conversation.
Our children, in all honosty... are the sole and original rulers of the world. From a spiritual stand point (ie.buddhism, Christianity, islam, life) the mind of a child, the learning mind, the mind that inquires, ascertains, and is always interested even with the most simplistic concepts of life, is the true mind of a ruler. Most people believe that royalty, riches and wealth are born soley of consistant striving and conquering of many different trials, but according to my understanding, the greaters men and women of existance have been the ones who never stopped wanting to learn.
Real Knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.- Kong fu tzi. or Confucius as we know him in the west states a perspective of the truth I think rather well. But we must look at this statement from a more pro-active angle to gain the true substance its intend wisdom.
"Knowing what you do not know" in essence is the the mechanism and or catalyst by which one grows;which brings us back to the childs mind. Have you ever wondered what are the processes and emotions children go threw when learning, when analysed its simple to see that the child runs into a wall and then has a response. Maybe the baby will cry, or laugh depending upon the kids proconceived mental notion of it's new experience, but what about the pain that lingers in the childs head after the hit. Even though one could not verbally communicate to deduce any quantifiable information...just try thinking about the factors that affect ones thought. The tingling of the nerves that affect the toddlers response time to stimulus and then the emotional association built up due to the habituation of the sensation. Generally speaking I do not think that adults think about all of these nuances of information when considering their childs growth processes. And because of such adults never really learn what it means to learn purley without emotional inhabitions.
There-for "a child shall lead them" is a statement which conveys a whole different kind of meaning than what is usually percieved. In order to actively tend to this world, the Earth, the sky our minds, we as individuals must master thoroughly how to learn, only then will the 90 percental and beyond of the human brain open up to us the secrets of or true selves. But as profound as this sounds such is only the begining.
About Me

- The Advocate
- Im LoOkInG tO lIbErAtE...LaYiNg ThE FoUnDaTiOn FoR GeNeRaL-NaTiOnS 2 CoMe
The 4 manifestations

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
Long time no see....Men and Women continued!!!
Hey everyone...at least those who have taken a look see at this blog. I know, I know ,"How can he expect anyone to want to read if he doesnt type" well times are indifferent and my I-net access has become limited. But Im here now, and your here, so lets chat shall we. I suppose my conversation begins concerning men and women, because from a spiritual stand point, these polarities are some of the most important to the equation of life. Why is it that we as men find such a hard time communicating with our (suppose to be) best friends, and why is it that ladies have such a difficult time deeply relating to their sig.fig. other(and vice versa). WHY is there a such thing as "the Battle of THe SexEs", so to speak.
Here are a few of my thoughts-
#1 It begins with what we're tought(at home).
As cliche the previous statement is, Im sorry for all of you innatists (innate-existing in one from birth, inborn, native -dictionary.com) out there, but the relationships and or structure of relationships is not something children are born with, and I think that a common sense concensus could easily deduce that. Between the ages of 0- say I don't know 7 maybe, babies, toddlers and even kids statisitically show no knowledge of the differences between Shaun or Sabrina. Everybody takes a bath together you got bubbles, sabrina, shaun ,and elmo, were all good right? But then it happens. All shaun wanted was a late night glass of warm milk and some cookies, he opens his eye's slowly as air flows deeper and easier into his little pj cover body giving him the energy to get up, he cant hear to clearly yet because he is yet to completly awaken. Walking towards mommy and daddys door he notices the family picture on the wall perpendicular to there room is shaking pretty consistantly. The bang is comming form their room. "sQUUUEEEEKKKKKKKKKK" "DADDDYYYY DAAADDDYYY !!!!!!! GET OFF MY MAAAMMMMAAA!!!!" He shreaks as he sqrambles in the room punching his fathers left butt- ock.
Dad then decides its time for the talk( a little late in my opinion). And when he has the talk he hesitates and swallow the accumalated siliva in his throat.
Does anybody realize the first mistake of the adult here........................................................................................................?????????????????????????
Go ahead I'll wait ................................................................................................................................................................ besides the late arrival of THE Conversation,Dad is nervous and uncomfortable. I know, I know, most of you would have said he should have had his back side covered, or they should have locked the door, but I have a better proposal. Why not speak to his child as confident as he wants Shaun to be about his sexuality once he becomes of age?????
Confusing??? Let me break it down ( not to imply that you lack comprehensive skills)
Children are sensitive creatures (with all do respect). With animalistic attentiveness they are processing ample amounts of info per second. This means when ma and pa are uncomfortable Im uncomfortable on a whole different level. An because of this indifferent feeling what I saw last night (when all I wanted was milk and cookies) becomes a subconscious taboo, emotionally speaking.
Therefore as an a adult, pa should loose his fear so that he can impart logical as oppose to emotional information to my simple yet very absorbant pschy. You see, logic begets ingelligent contemplation which then begets a since of control to the comtemplator. You get where Im going with this.
Here are a few of my thoughts-
#1 It begins with what we're tought(at home).
As cliche the previous statement is, Im sorry for all of you innatists (innate-existing in one from birth, inborn, native -dictionary.com) out there, but the relationships and or structure of relationships is not something children are born with, and I think that a common sense concensus could easily deduce that. Between the ages of 0- say I don't know 7 maybe, babies, toddlers and even kids statisitically show no knowledge of the differences between Shaun or Sabrina. Everybody takes a bath together you got bubbles, sabrina, shaun ,and elmo, were all good right? But then it happens. All shaun wanted was a late night glass of warm milk and some cookies, he opens his eye's slowly as air flows deeper and easier into his little pj cover body giving him the energy to get up, he cant hear to clearly yet because he is yet to completly awaken. Walking towards mommy and daddys door he notices the family picture on the wall perpendicular to there room is shaking pretty consistantly. The bang is comming form their room. "sQUUUEEEEKKKKKKKKKK" "DADDDYYYY DAAADDDYYY !!!!!!! GET OFF MY MAAAMMMMAAA!!!!" He shreaks as he sqrambles in the room punching his fathers left butt- ock.
Dad then decides its time for the talk( a little late in my opinion). And when he has the talk he hesitates and swallow the accumalated siliva in his throat.
Does anybody realize the first mistake of the adult here........................................................................................................?????????????????????????
Go ahead I'll wait ................................................................................................................................................................ besides the late arrival of THE Conversation,Dad is nervous and uncomfortable. I know, I know, most of you would have said he should have had his back side covered, or they should have locked the door, but I have a better proposal. Why not speak to his child as confident as he wants Shaun to be about his sexuality once he becomes of age?????
Confusing??? Let me break it down ( not to imply that you lack comprehensive skills)
Children are sensitive creatures (with all do respect). With animalistic attentiveness they are processing ample amounts of info per second. This means when ma and pa are uncomfortable Im uncomfortable on a whole different level. An because of this indifferent feeling what I saw last night (when all I wanted was milk and cookies) becomes a subconscious taboo, emotionally speaking.
Therefore as an a adult, pa should loose his fear so that he can impart logical as oppose to emotional information to my simple yet very absorbant pschy. You see, logic begets ingelligent contemplation which then begets a since of control to the comtemplator. You get where Im going with this.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Holy Matrimony?????
Lets start with the good stuff If these beings manifested themselves in this day what would they say about the relationships between its rulers,(man and woman) that is. What would they say ills us.
-is it psychological
-or providence
And if any, who's fault is it????;-)
-is it psychological
-or providence
And if any, who's fault is it????;-)
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